We are so excited to be brining back hands-on butchery instruction, and we’re diving right back in with a whole hog class. In this three hour, hands-on class we will break down half a hog muscle by muscle, discussing the cultural and culinary diversity that hogs offer. Hand-cut chops, grind fresh ham, and learn to bone out a pig’s head! By the end of class, the students will have broken the pig down into cookable cuts like ribs, tenderloins, ham roasts, chops, and coppas, and each student will take home approximately 10-15 pounds of locally raised, pastured pork. This class will take place in the CMC home studio, and we will end the class by sharing some delicious charcuterie, cheese, and natural wine.
This class is limited to 6 attendees. We may ask for disclosure of symptoms, exposure, or vaccination status prior to the event.